


Q: "Anyway, it's nice to see you getting over this Amanda deal. I mean, she wasn't hard to look at. God knows. But I don't see why you felt like you had to marry her."
"I've been wondering that myself."
"Weren't you suspicious when you saw the sign on her forehead?"
"Which sign was that?"
"The one that said, Space to Let. Long and Short Term Leasing."
"We met in a bar. It was too dark to read."
"Not so dark that she couldn't see you were her ticket out of Trailer Park Land. Bright lights, big city. If you really wanted to do the happy couple thing you shouldn't have let her model. A week on Seventh Avenue would warp a nun. Where skin-deep is the mode, your traditional domestic values are not going to take root and flourish. Amanda was trying to get as far from red dirt and four-wheel drive as she could. She figured out she could trade on her looks farther than she got with you."
For Tad, Amanda's departure was not only not surprising but inevitable. It confirmed his world view. Your heartbreak is just another version of the same old story.

- what does that mean "red dirt and four wheel drive"? i guess it means something like farmer's work or difficult sweaty work. "red dirt" gives hints. what's wrong with "four wheel drive" tho?




