

Q: Confucius, one of the greatest Chinese educator and philosopher put forward that immersing too deep in concerntration to forget the surrounding even oneslef is the ideal state of studying. 聼起來自然嗎?
A: You seem to speak English quite well so I hope you can understand my full explanation.

First, say "Chinese Educators and Philosophers". You add an "s" because you are comparing to all the philosophers.
Think of it like saying "1 of all the philosophers." You don't say "1 of all the philosopher." The English Language puts importance on plurals, while I think most Asian languages do not.

Next, "put forward" sounds kind of informal. It is correct, but if you are talking about History, you need to show some formality/proper speech.
So can simply say "taught" or "stressed"

Also, saying "too deep" sounds like you are saying its wrong. "Too deep" means more deep than necessary. You should very "very deeply"

"Confucious, one of the greatest Chinese Educators and Philosophers, stressed that immersing oneself very deeply in concentration to forget their surroundings, even themself, is the ideal state of studying."

The sentence above is correct, as far as I know. HOWEVER, if you want to perfect your way of speaking English and learn the minor nuance, continue below.

Now, your entire sentence structure is "A is B." "[something] is [something]." You are saying "[particular way of meditation] is [best/ideal way to study]."
Then you are adding "Confucius said" to the front. So its essentially "Confucius said that A is B."
We use this structure when both A & B are short. For example "Confucius said that I am the best at swimming."

BUT in your sentence, "A" is very long. In English we put the LONGER phrase as "B" instead of "A." This is because in English, sentence order is reversed from most Asian languages. So, even if that is grammatically correct, we struggle to understand it.

Since A is quite long - "immersing oneself very deeply in concentration to forget their surroundings, even themself" - we actually use the LONGER part as "B."

So you say it like this: "The best way to study is immersing oneself very deeply in concentration to forget the surroundings, even oneself."

Complete your paragraph by adding who said it.

Confucius said A is B --> Confucius taught that A is B --> Confucius, the best philosopher, taught that A is B.

"Confucius, one of the greatest Chinese Educators and Philosophers, stressed that the ideal state of studying is immersing oneself very deeply in concentration to forget the surroundings, and even oneself."

Because we reversed the sentence order, you add "and even oneself" at the end instead of just "even oneself."




