

Q: Even Habu, the grand Japanese chess master, was surprisingly impressed a few years ago with the fact that when they analyzed the game records with the AI that have been accumulated since the Feudal Japan period they found out that the moves that have been praised as Divine Move were not so, and that there can be any number of situations where standard tactics or aphorisms do not work well.

The old standard tactics and aphorisms in board games, especially Japanese chess, had been created by human players for these several hundred years, and as humans played Shogi (Japanese chess) further on the basis of them, their tactics inevitably evolved in quite a disproportionate direction.

It's like the Japanese English for examinations, or Japanglish. Japanese colleges, especially top colleges, sometimes use too excessively-complicated English passages in their entrance examinations. Students prepare for these exams by using reference books, which are in the same style of English as those exams. The way of Japanese English-learning inevitably evolve in quite a disproportionate direction. They know that and hate to speak English with English natives.

I'm enjoying HiNative because it helps me learn and find out the English I didn't learn at English classes at school. Besides, DeepL is my good friend any time I'm enjoying HiNative. They are good partners in my foreign language learning, just as AI serves as a mentor for professional Shogi players today. 聼起來自然嗎?
Q: Even Habu, the grand Japanese chess master, was surprisingly impressed a few years ago with the fact that when they analyze the game records with the AI that have been accumulated since the Feudal Japan period, they find out that the moves that have been praised as Divine Move are not so, and that there can be any number of situations where standard tactics or aphorisms do not work well.

Recently I'm doing the same thing with DeepL and HiNative for the sake of studying English and Chinese more effectively. 聼起來自然嗎?




