

Q: Introductions, brief confusion about whether everyone has met. Allagash tells you, with a deprecating roll of his eyes, that Vicky is studying Philosophy at Princeton. He introduces you as a literary cult celebrity whose name-has not yet reached the provinces.
"Hate to dash out again. But I said seven-thirty and Inge thought I said ten. So she's still in media dress, as we say. Got to get crosstown and pick her up. But let's by all means meet for dinner." He consults his watch. "Let's say nine-thirty. Better make it ten. Ten o'clock at Raoul's. Don't forget." He slips a glass vial into your pocket while he's kissing Vicky. Then he's gone in a wake of camel's hair.
Vicky seems confused by her cousin's hospitality. "Did you catch all that?"
"More or less." You know you will not see Tad for the rest of the night.
"He said seven-thirty and his date thought he said ten?"
"It's a common mistake."

- what is "a wake of camel's hair"?
- what does she mean "catch" as in "did you catch all that"? what is there to catch?




