
"Icebreaker" 的用法和例句

Q: 請提供關於 icebreaker 的例句給我。
A: @iamculeblaugrana
Here are some example sentences using the word "icebreaker" along with common expressions:

1. "We used an icebreaker activity to help everyone get to know each other at the conference."
2. "Breaking the ice with a joke can be a great icebreaker in social situations."
3. "The team-building workshop started with an icebreaker game to build trust among the participants."
4. "She told a funny story as an icebreaker to lighten the mood before her presentation."
5. "Using a common interest as an icebreaker, they quickly struck up a conversation about their favorite books."
6. "Icebreakers are essential in networking events to facilitate meaningful connections."
7. "He's a master at using icebreakers to make strangers feel comfortable in any setting."
8. "The comedian's humor served as an excellent icebreaker at the party."
9. "An effective icebreaker can help you make a memorable first impression in a job interview."
10. "In dating, sharing interesting anecdotes can be a great icebreaker."

Common expressions related to "icebreaker" include:
1. "Break the ice" - To initiate a conversation or interaction to alleviate tension or awkwardness.
2. "Icebreaker activity" - A game or exercise used to introduce people to each other in a group setting.
3. "Icebreaker question" - A conversation starter designed to encourage dialogue among people who have just met.
4. "Warm-up activity" - An icebreaker used to get people comfortable and engaged before a more significant event or meeting.
5. "Icebreaking moment" - The point in a conversation or gathering where initial tension or shyness is overcome.
6. "Social lubricant" - Something, like humor or a shared interest, that eases social interactions and serves as an icebreaker.
7. "Icebreaker speech" - A short introductory speech or talk given at the beginning of an event to set the tone.
8. "Icebreaker event" - A gathering or party specifically designed to help people mingle and get to know each other.
9. "Icebreaker games" - Activities or games played to encourage social interaction and conversation.
10. "Icebreaker session" - A dedicated portion of a meeting or workshop designed to help participants connect before diving into the main agenda.




