
"Proverb" 的用法和例句

Q: 請提供關於 proverb & proverbial 的例句給我。
A: “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”
(Sometimes “absence” is replaced with “distance”)
Meaning when something or especially someone is gone, you tend to think about them more because you miss them. For example, if someone is away from their significant other and is stressed because of it, a friend might comfort them by saying this phrase. Reminding them that they’re significant other is probably thinking about them more.

“Actions speak louder than words”
Meaning doing something rather than just saying something will show people that you care. Someone might say this while asking people to donate to charity.

“Love is love”
Meaning the feeling of love is undeniable and unchangeable. Often used to express support of gay relationships but can be used for other things as well.

“Blood is thicker than water”
Meaning family bonds are stronger than friendships. This is actually often misunderstood and I’ll explain why.

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”
Covenant = contract/agreement
This is the full version of the phrase above. It’s meaning is the opposite of how most people use it. It means that the blood you shed while fighting battles alongside others is more important than family bonds. Meaning the tough experiences that bring you closer to friends is stronger than pointless family ties.

“A bad workman always blames his tools”
Meaning that someone who isn’t doing something right will blame whatever they’re working with and won’t take responsibility. Used when someone is placing blame on the thing they were trying to do rather than how they were doing it.

“All’s well that ends well”
Meaning that if things turn out okay in the end, it doesn’t matter if they seemed dangerous or disastrous. Used after something dramatic happens but ends with nothing bad happening.

“The straw that broke the camels back”
Meaning that when a camel is carrying a heavy amount of straws, there’s one final straw that makes it so heavy the camel can’t carry it anymore. It’s used when referring to something’s braking point. For example, if someone gets bullied everyday, then one day someone says something mean that makes the person cry. That mean thing they said would be the straw that broke the camels back.


Q: proverb 和 idiom 的差別在哪裡?
A: An idiom is a phrase that has a meaning of its own that cannot be understood from the meanings of its individual words.


- to be "fed up" with means to be tired and annoyed with something that has been happening for too long
"He always cancels out plans last minute. I'm so fed up with him."

- to "rub someone the wrong way" means to irritate someone
"I don't like her. She rubs me the wrong way."

- by the skin of your teeth means that something was successful, but only just barely.
"She didn't study very much for the exam. She passed by the skin of her teeth."

A proverb is a short popular saying that gives advice about how people should behave or that expresses a belief that is generally thought to be true.


- "Don’t cry over spilled milk" means it's not a big problem and can be fixed easily so don't be upset or worried about it.

- "Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones" means that those who have weaknesses or cannot take criticism well should not judge or criticize others.

- "A stitch in time saves nine" means it's better to solve a small problem immediately. Otherwise the problem will grow and become worse, causing out to have more trouble and it will be harder to fix.

Both idioms and proverbs have greater meaning shins the individual words themselves, but idioms on their own without knowledge of their meaning make no sense. Proverbs on their own without knowledge of their meaning can be figured out through thought. It's nearly impossible to figure out idioms unless you know them.





