

Q: What is the quantifier of
Hardly, few, some, a lot of, all, many, several, and far too many
A: hardly: almost never/ close to not at all.

I hardly got any sleep last night.

Few: many people have varying expectations for this word, however you will be safe always assuming a few is 3 or less.

Few men have succeeded against Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons.

I only have a few minutes before class starts.

I ate a few cookies before dinner, I hope my appetite isn't ruined.

Some: is another word open to contextual interpretation. Some usually means a portion of a whole quantity of something, either half or less. In other instances it is used to signify an unfamiliarity.

A: Someone ate my chips! Some rude person came by and ate my snack!
B: Oh, yeah sorry. I ate some of your food. I will buy you a new bag some other time.

"A" doesn't know what person ate their food. it is Someone. Some one person ate their food. "B" is the person, they only ate some of the chips, not all of them. Some other time is when B will replace the eaten food. This time is in the future, but because it's "some other time" it is not a known date like "tomorrow" or "Monday."

A lot: Always means the majority of a quantity or possibly the entirty. Sometimes a lot can be a noun, when used this way sometimes the phrase loses the "a" and can be used like the word "allotment." In British slang, they use the phrase " the lot" the same way "a lot" is used as a noun.

I got a lot of sleep last night. I made it through the whole night without waking up. (This person has slept the whole entire night. For someone who does not rest easily, this is a lot.)

A: I ate 50 bowls of ramen! I'm stuffed.
B: Wow, 50 bowls is a lot.

British A: We won so many prizes at the fair. It is quite a lot.
British B: Yea check out our lot.
British C: Your prizes are making a mess! I could do without the lot of you cluttering up my space thank you very much...

All: is usually the entire amount, sometimes if someone is exaggerating it simply means nearly the entire thing.

I caught the dog up on the table while everyone is outside. He ate all the cake!

I lost all of my money in a bet. ( You may assume this person has more money somewhere, the severe loss on gambling however has made them exaggerate their loss)

Several is contextually explained. It can be anything between a few and a lot but it usually suggests a generous amount of something.

Several men were seen breaking into an apartment building last night at 2am.

I ate several cookies after dinner and now my stomach aches.

I have asked you several times to stop clicking your pen, now I am very irritated.

You have had several chances to come into work on time, however today you were late again and we will no longer tolerate your tardiness.

Many: is used similarly to the adjective a lot. It is the assumption of a high quantity, but not necessarily all.

Many of the men have left the war zone.

War kills many people, both innocent and deserving.

Many people think eating cookies before dinner is a bad idea. So, to prove them wrong I eat as many as I can!

Many months have passed since I've seen my lover.

A: How many times have you practiced your song?
B: I've practiced a lot.
A: Right, but how many times?
B: About 500 times.

Far too many: is a phrase that suggests what is being measured should not be so far advanced. This holds negative connotation.

I have seen far too many innocent children injured from war.

Far too many times have I cried over my ex boyfriend.

I have overdrawn money on my account far too many times.

In all of those phrases, the speaker is upset with the amount of instances that these negative things have occured.

When something is "too" much, it is more than desired or required. "Far too much" is suggesting that the quantity has exceeded a desired limit. We would like 0 children to die in war, we would like to never cry over lost love, and
to overdraw money from your account should never happen! 😫

Hope this helps 🤗💖✌




