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有關 英語 (美國) 的問題

Autism is not black or white. I wanted to prove to others that I don't have any disabilities, so I went to pre medical school after I graduated Art university. At the art university, I could study alone all day. People thought I'm nerd because all I did at the college was studying and studying. I've never been any parties or went out with boys. I would shut myself at the library or an art studio morning to night. But at pre medical school, there was a few team works that I had to participate with. This is just my opinion though, most of medical students seemed extremely competitive and judgmental (and super rich.). I stressed out and started to keep distance between those kids to me. One day, one of the teachers asked me if I used to be non-verbal. I couldn't answer. He was a chemistry teacher. He didn't talk much even he was in the classroom. He seems like he was trying to avoid students just like me. I couldn't answer his question because I didn't want people to know that I have autism. I asked him a chemistry question instead. He seemed a bit confused, but he answered my question politely. It was a difficult question, so at first I couldn't fully understand his explanation, but I pretended that I understood. I didn't want to bother his busy schedule. He knew that I didn't understand, so he looked into my eyes and said "You can not say 'I understand.' until you are 100% understand." So he explained to me over and over until I really understood. 聼起來自然嗎?

Thank you so much for your help. I'm sorry this is a long one. You can change any words and sentences. I know my writhing is jumpy.

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