
  • 西班牙語 (墨西哥)
  • 英語 (美國)
有關 英語 (美國) 的問題

Hi guys, can you please help me correct this text? Thank you

2. Recent actual text 2.2.
Is it an irrefutable fact that traditional cultures are dissappearing due to the technological breakthoughs, or conversely, are the traditions becoming stronger? There are divergent views on this issue.
On the one hand, what concerns the detractors is the fact that many traditions are becoming lost. it is crystal clear that never before have we seen such a spur of technology. Not only has it changed our lifestyles, but also on many occasions technological devices has reached inhospitABLE places. Albeit, technology has a myriad of advantages, it can also BE counterproductive. For instance, were an indigenous place receive many holidaymakes, it is highly likely that with this interaction, the natives would start to be more interested in technological advancements, inasmuch as seldom do we see that tourists carry neither a camera nor a mobile phone.
On the other hand, the supporters of technology deem that the loss of traditions has nothing to do with technology. The reason they claim that is because there are many places where in spite of having technological advances at reach, the natives strive to preserve their traditions. Not only do they teach new generations about their principles, but they also use the technology to foster their ethnocycracy. Should a person yearn to learn a native language, they can consult many websites, where an array of information is available. Furthermore, nowadays we can see ecotourism, whose pillar is to promote tourism that increaseS awareness of respecting and acknowledging the traditions of aborigenes. Were a person to be aware of THE paramount importance of the preservation of traditions, he would favor the vacation packages UPON WHICH sustainability is taken into consideration.
In conclusion, I would say that there is no doubt about the changes that have undergone many cultures. Notwithstanding, it is imperative that we are endeavored to conserve the traditions. The more informed newer generations are about their customs, the longer they would prevail.


  • 英語 (美國)

  • 英語 (美國)
[通知]Hi! 正在學習外文的你

Hi guys, can you please help me correct this text? Thank you

2. Recent actual text 2.2.
Is it an irrefutable fact that traditional cultures are dissappearing due to the technological breakthoughs, or conversely, are the traditions becoming stronger? There are divergent views on this issue.
On the one hand, what concerns the detractors is the fact that many traditions are becoming lost. it is crystal clear that never before have we seen such a spur of technology. Not only has it changed our lifestyles, but also on many occasions technological devices has reached inhospitABLE places. Albeit, technology has a myriad of advantages, it can also BE counterproductive. For instance, were an indigenous place receive many holidaymakes, it is highly likely that with this interaction, the natives would start to be more interested in technological advancements, inasmuch as seldom do we see that tourists carry neither a camera nor a mobile phone.
On the other hand, the supporters of technology deem that the loss of traditions has nothing to do with technology. The reason they claim that is because there are many places where in spite of having technological advances at reach, the natives strive to preserve their traditions. Not only do they teach new generations about their principles, but they also use the technology to foster their ethnocycracy. Should a person yearn to learn a native language, they can consult many websites, where an array of information is available. Furthermore, nowadays we can see ecotourism, whose pillar is to promote tourism that increaseS awareness of respecting and acknowledging the traditions of aborigenes. Were a person to be aware of THE paramount importance of the preservation of traditions, he would favor the vacation packages UPON WHICH sustainability is taken into consideration.
In conclusion, I would say that there is no doubt about the changes that have undergone many cultures. Notwithstanding, it is imperative that we are endeavored to conserve the traditions. The more informed newer generations are about their customs, the longer they would prevail.
