
有關 英語 (美國) 的問題

🔳Would you tell me if the following sentences are correct?

Every now and then, I make a minced chicken dish with lotus root and other vegetables.

I use some vegetables such as lotus root, green peppers, and carrot.

First, I cut lotus root into bite size pieces, and green peppers and carrot into thin rectangles.

Then, fry some minced chicken in a pan.
Once the meat turns brown, add lotus root, green peppers, and carrot. Fry them all together until they are cooked.
Lastly, flavor them with some soy sauce, sweet sake called mirin, and sugar.

What I like about this dish is the crispy and crunchy texture of lotus root.

🚨 Would you just write down the parts that need to be corrected? If you write down every single sentence in my post from the first sentence till the last one, it is not clear where the target parts are.
Thank you for understanding.


  • 英語 (美國)
  • 印尼語

[通知]Hi! 正在學習外文的你

🔳Would you tell me if the following sentences are correct?

Every now and then, I make a minced chicken dish with lotus root and other vegetables.

I use some vegetables such as lotus root, green peppers, and carrot.

First, I cut lotus root into bite size pieces, and green peppers and carrot into thin rectangles.

Then, fry some minced chicken in a pan.
Once the meat turns brown, add lotus root, green peppers, and carrot. Fry them all together until they are cooked.
Lastly, flavor them with some soy sauce, sweet sake called mirin, and sugar.

What I like about this dish is the crispy and crunchy texture of lotus root.

🚨 Would you just write down the parts that need to be corrected? If you write down every single sentence in my post from the first sentence till the last one, it is not clear where the target parts are.
Thank you for understanding.
