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有關 英語 (美國) 的問題

A: Some people freeze when confronted by a disabled person. Usually they feel sorry for them or are afraid of dealing with them, or maybe they admire them for how they can get around and cope well enough as travelers. Once a wheelchair traveler told me she didn't want to be treated with kid gloves. She felt comfortable when people treated her as no different from anybody else.
B: Nevertheless, special accommodations can make all the *difference between travel as pleasure or as an ordeal to be endured. We ought to be sensitive enough to anticipate that.

If I change difference (singular) into differences (plural), does it sound weird?


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  • 英語 (美國)
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A: Some people freeze when confronted by a disabled person. Usually they feel sorry for them or are afraid of dealing with them, or maybe they admire them for how they can get around and cope well enough as travelers. Once a wheelchair traveler told me she didn't want to be treated with kid gloves. She felt comfortable when people treated her as no different from anybody else. 
B: Nevertheless, special accommodations can make all the *difference between travel as pleasure or as an ordeal to be endured. We ought to be sensitive enough to anticipate that.

If I change difference (singular) into differences (plural), does it sound weird?
